
Fred Minnick regularly appears in the  media to discuss his books and drink trends. Below is a collection of Minnick’s interviews and reviews on his books.

New York Times: Top Whiskey Writers

Spirits Journal: Minnick Headlines Festival with Stevie Nicks

NPR: Trump and Bourbon Trade

Gear Patrol: Top Value Whiskies

Food & Wine: 25 Most Important Bourbon Ever Made

Tales of the Cocktail: Minnick wins best book

Cincy NPR: Northern Ky. Gateway to Ky. Bourbon Trail

Fox News Radio: Whiskey Scandals

During the presidential election, Minnick gave some whiskey context to past presidents.

New York Times: Slave & Whiskey

Minnick speaks with the NYT about bourbon’s connection to slavery.

New York Post: Jim Beam Strike

What does this mean for bourbon?

NPR: Mint Julep History

Men’s Journal Names Bourbon Curious Best New Whiskey Book Names Whiskey Women to All-Time Best Book List

CBS News: Bourbon’s Popularity

In this CBS News segment, Anne Marie Green interviews Fred Minnick about bourbon’s recent Pappy Van Winkle heist and its popularity.

The Atlantic: Women Making Whiskey

Minnick speaks with the reporter about the history of women and whiskey.

CBS This Morning: Women Who Whiskey

There’s a trend of women and whiskey, and Minnick gives the historic background to CBS This Morning.

Food & Wine: What Does Your Bourbon Actually Taste Like

Story includes Fred Minnick’s tasting methods showcased in Bourbon Curious.

NPR: Not Just A Man’s Drink: Ladies Lead The Whiskey Renaissance

NPR interviews Whiskey Women author Fred Minnick about the growth in women drinking whiskey.

Forbes: How Women Shaped Whiskey

Forbes shows how women are the future of whiskey and interview Minnick about his research.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Women’s Role in Whiskey

Who knew women were so important to whiskey history?

Timeout Chicago: Book Review

Drinks Business: Top 10 Women in Whiskey 

Kentucky Standard: Whiskey & Women

Fox News: Mint Julep Tips

Whiskey Women Author Speaks to University of Kentucky

Toronto Star  Names Whiskey Women Among ‘Books to Drink up’

“Not only, Minnick reminds us, were women the first distillers, but they were often key people who kept the liquor flowing when the chips were down….”

Huffington Post Holiday Gift Guide

Whiskey Women selected as one of the top gifts the 2013 holiday season.

How Scottish Women Impacted Whisky

The Scotsman: “PIONEERING women changed the face of the Scotch whisky industry in the 19th and 20th centuries, turning the distilleries they owned into thriving businesses and propelling single malts on to the world stage, according to a new book.”

Devour These Books

New York Observer: ‘Whiskey Women by Fred Minnick’

How Women Saved Whiskey

NPR: Let me tell you about the debt that whiskey drinkers owe to women. Fred Minnick, a writer for the beverage industry, says so in his new book, Whiskey Women: The Untold Story of How Women Saved Bourbon, Scotch and Irish Whiskey.

Kentucky Derby Museum Names Minnick ‘Bourbon Authority’

Bourbon writer Fred Minnick and the Kentucky Derby Museum partner up to bring new bourbon tasting experience to visitors. DrinkWire contributor names Whiskey Women Top Drinks Book of 2013

Huffington Post: Whiskey and Women Like Each Other

HuffPo cites Fred Minnick’s Whiskey Women in the puzzling ways whiskey marketers target women.

Bloomberg News: Rye Whiskey Is Booming

Reporter John Mariani interviews Fred Minnick about his theory on Rye whiskey’s growth of the past five years.

New Maker’s Mark is Old Maker’s Mark

Historic bourbon brand chooses to reverse its proof. Louisville Fox News affiliate interviews whiskey writer Fred Minnick about the change. This interview was later nationally syndicated.

Fox News Affiliate Interviews Fred Minnick

After Maker’s Mark lowered its alcohol percentage, fans were upset. Fred details the bourbon brand’s rationale for lowering the proof. His interview with WDRB Fox 41 was broadcast throughout the country on other Fox News affiliates.

Wall Street Journal: Best-Seller List May 6, 2012
Fred Minnick’s Camera Boy debuts on the list at No. 10 in nonfiction eBooks.

MintStyle with Rachel Weingarten: Guy Style Lessons
Fred is doing his best to bring the ascot back. He tells fashion consultant Rachel Weingarten why the 1800s neck tie is cool.

Minnick Named a Finalist for International Wine Writing Award

Jim Beam TV: Knob Creek Single Barrel
When Knob Creek launched its new single barrel, Fred discussed how the new product will do in the U.S. Market.

Lary Bloom Blog: A Triumph of Persistence (And Twitter)
The story of how Fred Minnick turned his small press run book, Camera Boy, into a best seller.

Forbes: How to Tell a War Story
Fred talks PTSD recovery with a Forbes writer.

Harvard’s Nieman Reports: Journalists and Memoir
Fred’s Camera Boy among books mentioned in journalist memoirs.

Radio: War Journalism
NPR, Louisville Affiliate: Fred Minnick discusses covering war as an Army journalist.

Radio: Veterans and PTSD
NPR, Louisville Affiliate: Fred talks about the horrors of war and how returning soldiers can find the help they need.

Video: Minnick Discusses New Book, PTSD