Baker’s is a brand that we’ve discussed previously with Beam’s ambassador Beth Burrows back on episode 95, but this time we go into the whiskey. A Patreon supporter sent 3 blind samples of Baker’s: the new single barrel 7 year, the old 7 year small batch with the black wax that is no longer in production, and the most recent limited release of the Baker’s 13 year. Which one will come out on top? Stay tuned to find out.
Show Partners:
- The University of Louisville has an online Distilled Spirits Business Certificate that focuses on the business side of the spirits industry. Learn more at uofl.me/bourbonpursuit.
- Penelope Bourbon is a new award-winning four grain bourbon from a unique blend of three bourbon mash bills. Available in select markets and online at PenelopeBourbon.com.
- You can now buy Barrell Craft Spirits products online and have them shipped right to your door. Visit BarrellBourbon.com and click Buy Now.
- The Thousand Oaks Barrel Co. has personalized oak barrels and at-home whiskey making kits. Get 10% off everything with code “BP2020” at 1000oaksbarrel.com.
- Receive $25 off your first order at RackHouse Whiskey Club with code “Pursuit”. Visit RackhouseWhiskeyClub.com.
Show Notes:
- This week’s Above the Char with Fred Minnick talks about distillery firsts.
- Baker’s Tasting: New Baker’s 7 Year Single Barrel, Baker’s 13 Year, Old Baker’s 7 Year Small Batch
- Do you drink coffee?
- Why did Baker’s move from a small batch to a single barrel?
- Why don’t distilleries want to promote large batches?
- Let’s discuss special releases.
- Blind Reveal
- Fred, what did you see on the shelf back in the early 2000’s?
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The post 268 – Baker’s Bourbon Blind Battle appeared first on BOURBON PURSUIT.
Source: Bourbon Pursuit