Whiskey Drinkers Tip Better Than You Non-Drinking People


January 10, 2013

In case you’re wondering, whiskey drinkers are the best tippers. That’s right, we lovers of malt and bourbon neat are much more beloved by waiters than teetotalers. Take that Carrie Nation!

According to a new study from Restaurant Sciences, bourbon and blended whisky drinkers tip 22.69 percent and 22.67 percent more respectively. Furthermore, single malt Scotch whisky drinkers tip $13.91 per average check, the highest of all drinkers.

In the most-important wait staff study of our time, researchers learned guest checks with only wine sales were 25 percent higher than spirit-only sales and 78 percent higher than beer only. Shame on you, beer drinkers.

What does this all mean?

This study is proof that waiters and bartenders continue to earn professional respect. They are the restaurant industry’s most under-valued workers, but are the front line for wine and spirits knowledge.

These professionals continue to learn from industry organizations and events, such as the United States Bartenders Guild and Tales of the Cocktail.

The booze knowledge of today’s average waiter and bartender is much greater than in any other time. Most waiters can at least explain the basics in wine pairings: White is better for fish; Red is for meat. All chain restaurants train their wait staff about menu cocktails and wines. Yes, it’s true, we still hear average waiters mistake Jack Daniel’s as bourbon. But, I challenge anybody to walk into a basic restaurant and ask for a Manhattan cocktail. If the waiter or bartender doesn’t know the cocktail, they will at least look it up.

My point is, the reason people tip is because they’re satisfied with service. This research indicates drinkers are satisfied at a much higher rate than non-drinkers. Maybe everybody’s boozed up when wrapping up the bill, but I like to think waiters and bartenders are the reason.

As for why whiskey drinkers tip more, especially bourbon whiskey connoisseurs, well, that’s simple: We’re rich.