Kentucky Distillery Burns to the Ground, 2 Injured


April 25, 2015

UDPATE: Details emerge on distillery fire. 

Sad news from Hardin, Ky. The Silver Trail Distillery burned to the ground yesterday in what the company is calling a “massive equipment failure.” Two employees are seriously injured.  (Here’s video from WPSD.)

I’ve met these guys at various events and they brought some old school flair to all of Kentucky. You hate to see this happen to anybody in any business, but especially to a distillery with such promise. I recall their LBL Moonshine showed great promise.

Silver Trail Distillery Facebook Statement

“Around mid morning on Friday, April 24, Silver Trail Distillery experienced what appears to be a massive equipment failure which resulted in the distillery burning to the ground. Second Distiller Jay Rogers & his Assistant Kyle Rogers suffered serious injuries & are now being cared for at Vanderbilt Hospital. We will have more information available as the investigation continues. In the meantime we ask for everyone to please pray for Jay & Kyle & also for Master Distiller Spencer because his anguish & sorrow has not yet found its depth. For immediate inquiries please contact Eric Gregory with the Kentucky Distillers Association. There has also been an account set up for Jay & Kyle at CFSB for anyone who would like to help them. Please continue to pray for our whole Silver Trail family!”

The Kentucky Distillers Association is working on a support fund for the two workers, who are still in critical condition.

I’m told volunteer firefighters had toured the facility previously, and this helped their efforts to control the blaze. As soon as the news broke, other distilleries offered to take over Silver Trail’s production and traveled to Hardin to assist in the aftermath. But for now, the owners are just requesting prayers for the Rogers.

KDA president Eric Gregory says there’s been an outpouring of support.